Talking Blood Sugar Monitors

For seniors coping with diabetes, regularly checking their blood sugar levels is a critical step in managing the disease and making sure that they stay safe, healthy and in their best condition. Many blood sugar monitors are difficult to read, however, which can lead to confusion in terms of the readings and therefore mismanagement of the disease. Issues such as not administering insulin at the appropriate times or administering too much insulin due [...]

2022-10-26T12:42:46-04:00February 15th, 2013|Senior Care|

Encouraging Senior Activity with Mobility Scooters

Caregivers know that just because a senior is aging doesn't mean that he doesn't want to enjoy an active and involved lifestyle. Even aging seniors that cope with mobility issues still want to be able to enjoy the activities that they love with their friends and family. Often this means getting out of the house and running errands, going to museums, going on vacation or just enjoying day trips to tourist attractions or [...]

2022-10-26T12:42:56-04:00February 7th, 2013|Senior Care|

Still a Grandparent: Keeping Children a Part of Senior Care in Turnersville, NJ

When you notice that your aging parents are starting to cope with physical and cognitive challenges, you may feel compelled to keep your children away from them. You may feel as though you are protecting them from having to cope with the pain of watching grandparents go through confusing medical situations, or as though you are guarding them from the eventual pain of losing these grandparents. This isolation, however, only results in your [...]

2022-10-26T12:44:10-04:00January 24th, 2013|Senior Care|

Removing the Stigma of Elder Care in Cherry Hill, NJ

We live in a country that places serious stigma on aging. Rather than honoring and respecting the wisdom and experience that come with getting older, we tend to push our elderly aside in place tremendous emphasis on being youthful. This can make aging people feel forgotten, disrespected and ignored. It also makes the idea of entering into any form of elder care uncomfortable for seniors who do not want to be seen as [...]

2022-10-26T12:44:21-04:00January 17th, 2013|Community, Senior Care|

The Surprising Benefits of Volunteering

When most people think about volunteering in regards to seniors, they immediately think about the people to volunteer to go into nursing homes and living facilities in order to keep seniors company. These volunteers play games with the seniors, offer companionship, and may even share meals with the residents of these homes. Volunteering as a part of senior care, however, does not have to just be about someone volunteering for a senior. There [...]

2022-10-26T12:45:03-04:00January 9th, 2013|Senior Care|

Senior Care Issues: When You Are the Only Adult Child Caring for an Aging Parent

Adult Children Caring for Parents Many parents choose to have only one child so that they can dedicate all of their time, attention and money on that child. In their minds this ensures that their child has the best life that they could possibly give. As a child this can make you feel special and give you tremendous opportunities that may not have been available to you had you had siblings. According to [...]

2022-10-26T12:45:13-04:00January 3rd, 2013|Senior Care|

NJ Helps Seniors Shop for Holiday Gifts

People anticipate the holidays so much. This season is filled with opportunities to spend time with family and friends, enjoy celebrations, and exchange gifts. This is a wonderful time of the year that brings light and happiness. For seniors, however, shopping for the gifts that they want to give their friends and family can be a challenge. They may not have the mobility it takes to go out to the stores on their [...]

2022-10-26T12:46:10-04:00December 14th, 2012|Community, Senior Care|

How to Help Seniors After Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy has affected millions of people along the east coast of the United States. Everyone suffers when a natural disaster strikes, but seniors are highly vulnerable in these situations. Senior care is vital during this time. Finding ways that you can help can be as simple as making a donation or cooking a meal. Simple Ways to Help Seniors often have health challenges that require treatment to stay healthy. In a natural [...]

2022-10-26T13:02:33-04:00November 5th, 2012|Community, Senior Care|

Senior Care in Mt. Laurel, NJ: Open Enrollment for Medicare –Now through Dec 7, 2012

Medicare provides senior care coverage for millions of older Americans. The program offers a variety of coverage selections through the various “Parts” of the program and through advantage policies. These plans offer a combination of the Medicare coverage with private insurances. Medicare beneficiaries can review and change their Medicare plans from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, each year. Know Your Current Plan You may not have had any problems with your current Medicare [...]

2022-10-26T13:02:42-04:00November 2nd, 2012|Senior Care|
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