Kitchen Storage Ideas That Make It Easier for a Parent Who Struggles With Balance

Elderly Care in Turnersville NJ: Falls in the kitchen usually occur when a senior tries to get something that's just out of reach. Here are storage tips that help reduce the risk of a fall in the kitchen.

2022-04-27T13:46:47-04:00June 8th, 2018|Home Care|

Smart Lighting Can Help Prevent Falls Within the Home

Caregivers in Woolwich Township NJ: Each year in the U.S., 25 percent of the elderly aged 65 or older fall down. While the CDC reports up to half of all seniors who do fall end up with minor bumps, bruises, and cuts, about 1 in 10 has a head injury or bone fracture.

2022-04-27T14:25:32-04:00January 12th, 2018|Home Care|
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