Integrative Therapy for Seniors

Aging can present numerous challenges for individuals and their families, causing more stress and health issues for those struggling to adjust. In addition to traditional therapies to assist these aging adults, many seniors are also getting involved in creative, alternative therapies like music, art, and even pet therapy. These programs provide additional benefits above and beyond what traditional therapies can provide. Types of Integrative Therapies for Seniors Music Therapy Listening to your [...]

By |2023-06-02T14:35:00-04:00May 5th, 2021|Senior Care|

National Healthcare Decisions Day

At just 20 years old, Nathan Kottkamp took control of his life and his future by completing his own Advance Directive. Completing this type of documentation is quite unusual for someone so young, but through education and his work with a healthcare decisions advocacy group, he felt empowered to take this step for his future self. When we are young and in seemingly good health, it can make it difficult to think [...]

By |2022-12-22T12:22:59-05:00April 13th, 2021|Senior Care|

The Benefits of Caregiving

Caregiving: Benefits of Hard Work People often discuss the negative aspects of caregiving, but it isn’t often that we hear about the many benefits. Although caring for another person can be stressful and require sacrifices to be made, it can also be very rewarding. According to a recent survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center, 83% of caregivers say their experiences have been positive and have offered a multitude of benefits.  [...]

By |2023-02-27T16:00:15-05:00March 17th, 2021|Senior Care|

Social Workers are Essential

As we reach the official one-year mark since the beginning of the pandemic, it feels fitting that March celebrates social workers. Social workers play an extremely important role in the healthcare system, often helping others to solve or cope with complex issues that affect their quality of life. Social work takes an altruistic soul and a big heart dedicated to making life easier for others. Social work is not just a job [...]

By |2023-02-27T13:51:40-05:00March 5th, 2021|Caregivers, Senior Care|

The Importance of Getting Vaccinated

Getting Vaccinated – FAQ Director of Nursing, Tamara Scott, answers the top 10 most popular questions about getting vaccinated for COVID-19 below. Q: I know there are several vaccines available, which one should I get? A: The vaccines have all been thoroughly tested and the results are all very similar; they keep 100% of people from getting very ill or hospitalized, which is the goal. They are all considered safe with the [...]

By |2022-10-27T11:21:51-04:00January 20th, 2021|Caregivers, Senior Care|

ClearCare Family Room

Home to Stay Senior Care Solutions recently changed to an electronic record-keeping system. Our new system now allows access to a secure family portal where you can view schedules, caregivers' names, care plans, medications, feedback from caregivers, and invoices (keep in mind, families are NOT able to pay their invoices on-line).  Families can also view any photos that caregivers take during the shift. To help familiarize yourself with these new changes we invite [...]

By |2022-08-26T12:25:37-04:00December 16th, 2020|Senior Care|

Senior Wellness Checks During the Holidays

New NJ COVID restrictions As the number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases continues to surge late in the year, it has been recommended that New Jersey residents only spend the holidays with their immediate family or those they already live with.  Unfortunately for many individuals, especially senior adults, the new traveling and social gathering guidelines mean seeing family during this holiday season may not be possible. Individuals may also choose not to risk [...]

By |2022-10-27T11:31:32-04:00December 16th, 2020|Home Care, Senior Care|

Suggestions to Keep Busy During the Shutdown

With the pandemic causing a second wave of lockdowns at the end of 2020, many individuals are struggling to keep busy (unlike most holiday seasons). Having such limited options when it comes to social gatherings or events, most are turning to technology to fill free time, escape boredom, and stay engaged. In this article, we share some of Home to Stay’s staff favorite ways to keep busy during this not-so-normal holiday season.  Podcasts [...]

By |2022-04-26T10:21:16-04:00December 10th, 2020|Senior Care|

Terrarium Therapy

In an effort to reconnect and unwind, Home to Stay teamed up with Artis Senior Living of Evesham to host a unique experience – Terrarium Therapy. Terrariums are tiny ecosystems made with small plants, soil, rocks and other foliage that require little maintenance and can last for years. Participants gave extremely positive feedback. Many noted a cathartic experience, taking time out of their busy schedules to relax, unwind, and “bury” the stress.  [...]

By |2023-07-28T09:34:47-04:00November 17th, 2020|Senior Care|

Home to Stay Announcement

Home To Stay is excited to announce that our proprietary training program (AlzBetter) that we utilize to train all of our aides and family members has had its curriculum reviewed and approved by the Alzheimer's Association. The AlzBetter system is one of four training programs that the Alzheimer's Association reviewed and approved nationally for training of others outside of their own organization. Home To Stay is grateful to the Alzheimer's Association for [...]

By |2023-07-28T09:35:47-04:00October 19th, 2020|Dementia, Senior Care|
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