Separation Anxiety for Those Living with Dementia

Dementia: The Reality When someone is diagnosed with dementia, people might assume that life will stop for that individual. However, dementia is a chronic condition that can be managed based on its stage and our own understanding of the disease.  Confusion is likely to increase as dementia progresses. Those living with dementia begin to rely on what is most familiar to them in an effort to feel safe. Confusion can trigger a [...]

By |2023-02-27T12:38:42-05:00February 8th, 2021|Dementia|

Dementia: Understanding A Progressive Disease

Understanding Dementia Dementia is often misconceived as a specific disease when, in reality, it is the universal term used for impaired thinking, memory, decision-making, and everyday activities overall. About 50 million individuals around the globe suffer from the effects of dementia-related diseases, and almost 10 million people are diagnosed every year. The most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease (60-70% of all dementia cases), vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy [...]

By |2022-03-29T11:40:49-04:00January 11th, 2021|Dementia|

Halloween and Dementia

Understanding Halloween and Dementia: Importance of Extra Care It is important to pay extra attention to those living with dementia, especially during the holidays when their normal lifestyle may be disrupted. If changes are noticed, try identifying the items or situations that you feel could be the issue and remove them. Some examples of changes in behavior would include sleep changes, anxiety, agitation, wandering (as this can be a sign they are [...]

By |2023-09-26T11:56:54-04:00October 26th, 2020|Dementia|

Home to Stay Announcement

Home To Stay is excited to announce that our proprietary training program (AlzBetter) that we utilize to train all of our aides and family members has had its curriculum reviewed and approved by the Alzheimer's Association. The AlzBetter system is one of four training programs that the Alzheimer's Association reviewed and approved nationally for training of others outside of their own organization. Home To Stay is grateful to the Alzheimer's Association for [...]

By |2023-07-28T09:35:47-04:00October 19th, 2020|Dementia, Senior Care|

A Guide to Simplifying Dementia Care

Let’s begin with a reality check - and the unfortunate truth for many of those living with dementia - the majority of care is typically done by non-professional caregivers such as family and friends. This, along with the overwhelming complexity of the disease, can cause worry and anxiety for whoever is responsible.  Dementia Care: A labor of love. A unique challenge. Far too often, we see that caring for someone with dementia is [...]

By |2022-04-26T10:37:49-04:00June 12th, 2020|Caregivers, Dementia|

Can small steps produce big results in dementia care?

Home to Stay would like to share this informational article written by Gary Skole, founder of AlzBetter, on May 12, 2020. We are proud to be an exclusive South Jersey partner of AlzBetter. Can small steps produce big results in dementia care? Let’s begin with a reality check: for many of those living with dementia, the bulk of the care and attention has traditionally been delivered by informal caregivers such as families [...]

By |2022-08-26T14:54:23-04:00May 22nd, 2020|Dementia, Senior Care|

Biogen’s Alzheimer’s Drug

  A New Alzheimer’s Drug Offers Hope A company called Biogen has been conducting trials on a new drug that they believe holds promise for helping those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. This tragic condition affects millions of elderly Americans, and the number afflicted is only expected to go up over the years as the median age of our population continues to rise. Conflicting Data Biogen had conducted a couple of studies on [...]

By |2022-04-26T10:46:29-04:00December 11th, 2019|Dementia|

Better Fitness Can Mean Living Longer Without Dementia

Delaying or Avoiding Dementia Is Just One More Reason to Exercise Does better fitness delay dementia? The incidence of dementia is only expected to increase when looking a couple of decades into the future as the average age of Americans keeps going up. There is no drug or other treatment for dementia, which makes prevention extremely important. Medical researchers have discovered a link between fitness and dementia prevention that holds great promise. While [...]

By |2022-04-26T10:46:46-04:00November 22nd, 2019|Dementia|

New Scientific Breakthrough

  Medical research is constantly pushing the frontiers of medicine in areas such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and the treatment of Alzheimer's. Another area of interest is the study of Alzheimer's disease. There are nearly six million Americans with this form of dementia, and the numbers are only expected to go up as people live longer unless successful medical interventions are discovered. An Alzheimer's Breakthrough? Researchers at the University of Alberta have [...]

By |2022-04-26T10:47:02-04:00November 20th, 2019|Dementia|

T.J. Abraham

Football has been a favorite sport for Americans for decades, but lately, the medical community has been detailing the long-term harm it can do to players and its fight against dementia. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a degenerative brain disease that has been linked to the repeated impacts to the head that occur in football games. As this form of injury has become increasingly documented, more high school athletes have been shying away from [...]

By |2022-04-26T11:11:39-04:00November 20th, 2019|Dementia|
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