Senior Care in Southern NJ

Senior Care in Southern NJ

A person with dementia needs to be treated just like any other person when it comes to deciding how they should be cared for. David Barile, MD of the Princeton University Medical center has come up with a program to try and establish goals for all seniors and can be found at His program recommends setting goals as a roadmap to help determine the type of care a online pokies person will receive in their later years.

When it comes to a person with dementia, it is much better to try and establish these goals as early as possible so that they can participate in the planning activity. If the dementia is in an advanced stage, their Power Of Attorney (POA) will most likely be the person who establishes these goals.

In either case, having goals established is very important. It can answer questions such as if the person will receive care at home or go into a facility, or what types of treatment options should be considered.