To better understand the Meaningful Day Program, Home to Stay (H2S) wants to share the program through the eyes of one of our program participants. In this case study, we follow Sean, an individual experiencing a difficulty that is all too common in the world of generalized disability day care programs – activities that are not of interest to the participant. Learn how Sean was able to overcome his obstacles and start the Home to Stay Meaningful Day Program customized just for him. 

Meet Sean: Struggling in a Disability Day Program

Sean’s story is a great example of how typical day programs are not one-size-fits-all and how the H2S Meaningful Day Program breaks the mold of a typical day program.

Sean is a 24-year-old male living with a developmental disability who had recently started a new day program. From the start, Sean had trouble adjusting to his new environment. His initial reluctance was attributed to it simply being a new experience that changed his existing schedule. While this can be true for many people living with a disability, for individuals like Sean who rely on structure and routine, this is not a simple schedule change.

After Sean was adjusted to the schedule change, it was a challenge for Sean to gain interest in the activities at the day program. Ultimately, he was forced into activities that he did not enjoy nor were aligned with his personal goals. This upset Sean, often leading him to resist going to his day program.

This issue is common for individuals who attend disability day care programs. While the program is planned with the individual in mind, it becomes impossible to consider the needs and goals of all individuals attending the program. 

Sean’s dad was looking for a program that could focus on Sean’s specific needs and interests.

Making the Switch: Sean’s Introduction to Home to Stay

Sean’s dad enrolled him in Home to Stay’s Meaningful Day Program. 

They met with the Home to Stay team to review the Person-Centered Planning Tool (PCPT) and completed a Lifestyle Assessment to learn more about Sean and what is most important to him. This information allowed Home to Stay to create a personalized schedule for Sean and to identify a direct support professional (DSP) who had similar interests to Sean. When a DSP shares similar interests to the individual, it allows for a deeper, more natural daily connection. 

Sean’s Typical Meaningful Day: A Day in the Life

Below is a sample of Sean’s day with Home to Stay’s Meaningful Day Program.


David, Sean’s direct support professional (DSP), arrives at 10:00 AM.

Sports Talk & Stats

One of Sean’s greatest interests is sports. He loves watching games, following his favorite players and tracking their statistics. 

Sean and David spend the first hour of their day together talking about the games played the night before, whether it be baseball, basketball, or football. Then they chart the individual statistics of Sean’s favorite players… that’s right, we are talking about you, Shohei Ohtani and Lebron James! 

Art Activity

Sean enjoys creating art and working with watercolors, clay, and intricate coloring. Sean and David will spend time doing an art activity together using one of Sean’s favorite mediums. 

Lunch Time

Even lunch is a meaningful opportunity in the day. Sean and David will prepare lunch together. This includes all aspects of the meal, from responsible meal planning to budgeting, creating shopping lists, and making and enjoying the meal together. 

This part of the day includes important life skills for Sean to learn and improve on. 

Staying Active

After lunch, Sean and David will do some type of light activity like walking outside or using the treadmill. One of Sean’s favorite activities is shooting hoops with David at the local park.  


After the physical activity, Sean will clean up the dishes and then work on laundry and folding skills.

Favorite Activities

Sean and David will then choose an electronic activity that Sean enjoys like listening to music or playing Tetris, and sometimes both!

Always, Ending the Day Strong

To finish the Meaningful Day with Sean, it includes something that he loves – animals and nature. They will rotate from looking at Sean’s animal books, photographs, or specific nature/animal websites. Then they will typically wind down with Sean and David doing a nature-centered art activity.

Special Activities

Person-centered activities and routines are key for our Meaningful Day Program and incorporating special activities that are important to the individual. For Sean, that is his love of baseball; David will plan trips to the local high school/t-ball games to watch the games or head to the batting cages together.

This entire program, including the hiring of David, was designed with Sean in mind using the results of his Lifestyle Assessment. Since starting the Meaningful Day Program, Sean has shown more confidence and looks forward to starting his Meaningful Day! 

If you care for or know an individual like Sean, we would like to discuss how a Meaningful Day with Home to Stay can work for them. Let’s talk.