Senior Care in Mt. Laurel, NJ

Senior-Care-in-Mt.-Laurel-NJIn the fast paced world of today, most people get their information from the Internet. However, some seniors are still technology shy. What these seniors fail to realize is just how helpful the Internet can be in their daily life. Communicating with friends, shopping, reading the news, and finding information on anything that interests them is a great way to motivate a senior to learn to use the Internet.  The following are some of the ways the children of an elderly parents oftentimes with the help of home care providers can do to help them embrace this technology.

Think about getting them a tablet

A tablet is a great first device for a senior due to the accessibility that it offers. Most seniors will have no problem navigating their way around a tablet due to its touch and go format. Trying to get a senior started on a laptop may be a bit harder due to the plethora of options and programs that they come loaded with. However, finding the right tablet will be easy when using a knowledgeable and experienced computer professional in the area.

Help them get set up on social media

Helping a senior set up Facebook will get them well on their way to communicating with friends and family. Help the senior set up their profile and send some friend requests.  Be sure to walk the senior through the friend accepting and request process. The more a child is able to teach their senior parent about the computer, the easier it will be for them to pick up on it. They can also ask the home care provider to give the senior refresher courses or just be available to help out the senior should they have a question for forget how to do something.

Find some helpful apps

When trying to get a senior used to using their tablet, it is essential to show them how to get onto the app market and purchase and download apps. There are a number of apps out there that are geared towards seniors. By showing the senior how to get on the app market and download apps, it will easy for them to find apps that will best fit their particular needs. Be sure to not overwhelm the senior with too much information and computer lingo when first starting out.

Sign them up for a computer class

The senior may also want to think about taking a computer class at the local senior center, which are usually free or offered at a low cost.  The senior care provider can transport the senior to the class, if need be.   This is also a great way for the senior to get out of the house and socialize.


For all of your senior care needs in Mt. Laurel, NJ and the surrounding areas call and talk to us at Home to Stay Healthcare Solutions (856) 321-1500.