Early Signs of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s disease can cause memory problems. Early detection for Alzheimer’s is critical. The disease also impacts a person’s behavior and thinking. Alzheimer’s is degenerative, which means it gets worse over time. Complications from Alzheimer’s eventually lead to death, even with in home senior care. This article will focus on 10 common early symptoms of the disease from assisted living nurses in Mt Laurel.

10. Alzheimer’s patients tend to struggle with self-care. They may forget to shower, dress inappropriately for the weather or generally look messy or unkempt.

9. Confusion is another early warning sign. People with Alzheimer’s often lose track of time, seasons and dates of the year. They may not understand where they are, why they are there or how they arrived. This symptom worsens over time, and in home care will be a requirement for the patient.

8. Trouble with language is another early sign of Alzheimer’s. For instance, a person may forget simple words. They may also stop suddenly during a conversation, as if they cannot remember what was said or how to process language.

7. It is not uncommon for a person to lose items. However, for Alzheimer’s patients, losing things is such a common occurrence that it significantly impacts their lives. They may get frustrated when unable to find something. They sometimes put items in unusual places that make it especially difficult to find them.

6. Alzheimer’s can also change a person’s behavior. Even people who are generally social may withdraw from their family and friends. This withdrawal might stem from embarrassment or discomfort caused by the disease.

5. Trouble with routine functions is also a common symptom. For instance, people with Alzheimer’s might forget how to perform tasks they’ve done frequently in the past, such as following a recipe or performing their morning routine.

4. Poor vision is another common sign. A person may be unable to read normally due to trouble interpreting spaces between words. It may also be difficult for them to judge distances. This may result in losing the ability to drive.

3. Mood changes in Alzheimer’s patients are also common. A patient may get upset easily or show signs of frustration. Anxiety, depression and even paranoia are also common.

2. Basic reasoning and problem-solving skills are also difficult for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s. For instance, a person might have trouble calculating basic math facts or begin to take more time to perform simple tasks.

1. Perhaps the most common sign of Alzheimer’s is short-term memory loss. Those with the disease may not recall recently learned details and information. Some patients will ask the same questions multiple times in a conversation, or forget important details about something recently learned.

Though there is no cure, early detection for Alzheimer’s is important. If you or someone close to you might be suffering from Alzheimer’s, seek medical help. Home to Care Health Care Solutions provides the best care to patients and their families.