Homecare in Cherry Hill, NJ

Homecare in Cherry Hill, NJThe decision to become a family caregiver for your elderly parents is not one to be taken lightly. Fulfilling the daily physical, mental, emotional, and other needs of aging adults requires a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort, and can have a lasting impact on your life. Before you make this type of decision and dive into your role as a caregiver, it is essential that you think through the situation carefully and determine not only if you are prepared to handle these stresses of this type of relationship, but also how you will handle them if you do decide that caring for your parents yourself is the right decision.

While you may immediately think of financial costs when considering the “cost” of being a caregiver for your aging loved ones, the true cost of this type of relationship goes well beyond how much you will need to invest financially, and how you and your parents will come to agreements regarding who is responsible for what financial costs within the care journey. Understanding these costs, along with the potential financial costs, helps you to see the responsibility of being a caregiver clearly so you can go into the relationship well-prepared, and confident you have made the decision that is right for you and your aging loved ones.

Some of the costs of entering into a care journey with your aging loved ones include:

• Loss of time. Being a caregiver means giving up a tremendous amount of your time to ensure you meet all of your parents’ needs effectively. This can mean having to give up leisure time, weekend activities, or vacations.

• Loss of freedom. Entering into a care relationship with your parents means being willing to give up some of the flexibility and freedom in your life. Being in that type of relationship means having to consider your parents’ needs when making plans and making arrangements for care alternatives when necessary.

• Potential physical consequences. Studies show that adult children who offer ongoing care for their aging parents are far more likely to deal with physical health complications including exhaustion, increased risk of infection, more frequent illness, weight gain, headaches, and digestive problems. Emotional and mental consequences including stress, anxiety, and depression are also common
Despite these potential costs, being a caregiver for your elderly parents can be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable choices you can make. Taking on this role gives you the unique opportunity to spend quality time with your seniors while also ensuring that they live an active, healthy, comfortable, and safe lifestyle in their own homes, or after transitioning into yours. One way to help you reduce the true “cost” of offering care to your aging loved ones is by hiring a home care provider who can take on some of the responsibilities of care so that you can stay connected to your children and spouse, maintain your career, and reduce your physical and emotional stress.

For all of your homecare needs in Cherry Hill, NJ and the surrounding areas call and talk to us at Home to Stay Healthcare Solutions (856) 321-1500.