(Photo credit: Laura Grassia)

(Photo credit: Laura Grassia)

Springtime and summertime are a wonderful time to plant and watch flowers, veggies or fruit blossom and grow. Whether your client is housebound or can go into their garden, you can assist them and bring life to their space!

House plants are easy to care for and can brighten up any room. Pruning and watering are easy. With a new spray bottle from the dollar store, you and your client can water the plants and watch them grow day to day. This productive activity can add so much life to the plants, as well as your client.

Gardening outside is a great pastime, but safety should be your concern. Make sure your client isn’t in direct sunlight and it’s not oppressively hot. 84 degrees with low humidity is an ideal temperature for seniors. Early morning or after suppertime is a great time to check on the plants. Planting in pots or raised flower beds outdoors is the best opportunity for your client to feel involved and able! Herb gardens grow quickly and do not need much space. Enjoy the possibilities!