stay connected with loved onesAre you staying connected with loved ones? Did you know that there are apps that allow you to create signup blocks or windows for events? For instance, you can create an account on a tool like SignUpGenius and pick certain days of the week and time blocks within those days to do things like arranging meal drop-offs or arranging phone conversations.

If you or your loved one is currently social distancing or in social isolation, consider creating a SignUpGenius for the person you are unable to see.

Keep in mind: your loved one is not able to do their daily routine, which may be visiting friends or running errands. Instead, they must make the most out of staying home, and what better to help pass the time then receiving a phone call from a different family member each day over the next couple weeks. Most people will touch base with their parents on a daily basis, but it is not often that they get to hear from cousins, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews. By creating a SignUpGenius or an account on a similar app, it is creating windows of opportunities to allow your loved one to stay connected and have memorable and quality surprise conversations.

The best part is keeping this a secret and making sure that every day is covered by a new family member. You can invite people through social media or send it out via email or text. It is so easy and free to use!

Stay tuned for more activities!