Home Care in Mt. Laurel NJ: A Comparison of Diet Plans That May Benefit Older Americans

Home Care in Mt. Laurel NJ: A Comparison of Diet Plans That May Benefit Older Americans

Your dad’s doctor told him to lose weight. Your mom’s blood pressure is high. Your parents want to change their eating habits, but they don’t know where to start. Here’s a comparison of the top six diet plans that doctors say are good choices for aging adults that need home care.


DASH is an acronym for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.” There are two versions. The second version restricts sodium intake. With both, the focus of the diet is on fresh produce, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat dairy. Lean proteins are allowed, but sugar and fattier meats are not.

The Flexitarian Diet

The Flexitarian Diet involves mixing up eating habits. A few days a week, your diet is that of a vegan or vegetarians. The rest of the week, you eat like an omnivore or pescatarian. A good rule of thumb is to go vegetarian every other day. Mix up pescatarian and omnivore diets on the other days.

Mediterranean Diet

With the Mediterranean Diet, you’re welcome to a glass of red wine each night. You focus on fresh produce, seafood, and lean meats like chicken breast. You also eat legumes. You avoid beef, sugar, and fats other than limit amounts of olive oil.


Focus on brain-friendly foods when you follow the MIND Diet. Fish that are rich in omega fatty acids, leafy green vegetables, and berries are key foods. It mixes the principles of both the DASH Diet and the Mediterranean Diet. Sugary foods, fried foods, and cheeses are to be strictly limited.

TLC Diet

The “Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes” (TLC) Diet is designed for heart health. Saturated fats found in fatty meats and dairy are cut from the diet. You eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and a small amount of skinless poultry or fish each day.

Weight Watchers

You do have to pay to be part of Weight Watchers. That’s one of the biggest downfalls to this diet plan. The positive aspect is that you learn how to make smart food choices. That allows you to create your own menus. Foods are assigned points. Bad foods cost more points, so you can eat them, but it takes away from the amount of food you can eat each day.

Tips for Successful Dieting

Meal preparation often challenges seniors. Arthritis makes it hard to chop foods. Standing on a hard floor for more than a few minutes is hard on the knees, hips, and back. Even shopping for items is difficult when driving and mobility are hard to handle. Hire a caregiver and make mealtimes simple.

With a home care professional available for grocery shopping trips, menu planning, and meal preparation, your parent’s food struggles are over. Learn more about home care fees and services by calling now.

For home care in Southern NJ and the surrounding areas, call and talk to us at Home to Stay Healthcare Solutions (856) 321-1500.