Is there any difference between providing elderly care in Mt. Laurel NJ for a single person or a couple? In truth, there is a bit of a difference. In most cases, elder care services that are hired to come into the home of a married couple, for example, will be focused on the care of one of the individuals more than the other. This is usually due to the fact that health declines, as well as strength and agility, differently between people. For a couple who are in their late seventies, the woman may require a bit more care or assistance with basic necessities, or the man might have more difficulty.

When it comes to elderly care for couples, there are a few things that the care provider as well as the family members should keep in mind about the process. First, it’s not a Elderly Care in Mt. Laurel, NJcompetition. If your mother requires a bit more care and attention than your father, this could lead him to believe that he’s now competing for her attention or even her affection. The longer that a couple has been together, the more they know and understand their idiosyncrasies. However, when one person is receiving some extra attention, such as your mother, this could be interpreted –incorrectly, mind you- as though there is less need for your father to be around. He may feel abandoned or cast aside.

The most important thing for the elderly care providers to consider when assisting a couple (whether the caregivers are family members or hired professionals) is to not overstep one’s bounds. In other words, respect the couple. The situation will be different than one in which the elder care provider would be assisting a single individual living at home.Another issue to keep in mind is that when it comes to couples who have lived together for many years, they know what they want and they have their expectation of privacy. While the elder care provider may have the best of intentions by telling them that they should or shouldn’t do something, it’s still their home and their lives, so they should be granted that level of respect they have earned, and deserve.

Couples have certain dynamics about their relationship, certain expectations and it is important that everyone understand those and respect them. Of course, if one of the elderly individuals is subverting or attempting to undermine the care that is being provided to his or her spouse or partner, then this would need to be addresses as soon as possible.

For all of your elderly care needs in Southern NJ and the surrounding areas call and talk to us at Home to Stay Healthcare Solutions (856) 321-1500.