winter walking tips for elderly

Winter Walking: A Great Time to Start

Winter might be a good time for your senior to get started with a new walking program. It’s less humid and the lower temperatures can sometimes be less intimidating for new walkers. Some of these tips can help to make walking in winter even easier. 

Plan Ahead a Little Bit 

When is your senior most energetic? Some people have plenty of energy early in the day while others start to hit their stride later in the day. Start paying attention to temperatures, energy levels, and other variables that might impact how enjoyable your senior finds taking a walk so that you can help her plan those out more effectively.  

Scope out a Walking Path 

Next, you need to determine where your senior wants to walk. She might enjoy simply walking around the neighborhood, especially if the neighborhood is walking friendly. Other people prefer walking paths in parks or even walking indoors, like with a mall walking group. Your elderly family member might even opt to mix up her walking options depending on the weather and whatever else is going on at the time. 

Dress Right for the Weather and the Plan 

No matter where your elderly family member is walking she needs to be attired appropriately for whatever she might encounter. Her walking shoes need to fit properly and be able to help her keep her footing even on slippery pavement. A coat, hat, and gloves are all a good idea, too, especially for outside walking. Indoor walking might allow her to pare down her walking clothing some. 

Consider a Fitness Tracker 

Fitness trackers or even a pedometer can help your elderly family member to track how much she’s walking and how much improvement she’s making over time. Some fitness trackers can also track heart rate, which might be interesting for your senior. As her stamina improves, she can see that in her tracker’s results. 

Find a Walking Buddy 

Walking is a lot more fun with someone else. If your elderly family member has friends who also want to walk, she might enjoy setting up times to walk with them. Otherwise, it might be a good idea for her to walk with elderly care providers. They understand her needs and what to watch for that might be a sign of trouble, just in case. 

Remember to always check with your senior’s doctor before she starts a new walking plan. Her doctor can help her to determine what the right amount of exercise is for her so that she doesn’t overdo it. As she progresses, her doctor can also help her to stay up to date on how her health is improving. 

For Elderly Care Cherry Hill, NJ, and the surrounding areas, call and talk to us at Home to Stay Healthcare Solutions (856) 321-1500.