Client Rights and Responsibilities

As a home care provider, we have an obligation to protect the rights of our clients and explain these rights to you before treatment begins. Your family or your designee may exercise these rights for you in the event that you are not competent or able to exercise them for yourself. As a client of Home to Stay, you should be aware of the following rights and obligations you have in working with us.

  1.  To expect you and your property to be treated with courtesy and respect by all of our staff.
  2.  Be free from verbal, physical, and psychological abuse or harassment of any form.
  3.  To receive service regardless of race, creed, nationality, disability, age, marital status, gender or sexual orientation.
  4.  To work toward mutually agreed-upon goals.
  5.  Choose care providers, to communicate with this providers and to provide reasonable continuity of care.
  6.  To receive information on the qualifications and supervision of our caregivers.
  7.  To request a change of caregiver.
  8.  To know that our caregivers all work under regular supervision, and if medically related personal care is needed, the supervision will be performed by a registered nurse.
  9.  To privacy and the expectation that all records pertaining to your service are confidential. Except when required by law. Or for professional purposes within the agency, records can only be released with your permission, and in accordance with applicable legal requirements. It is mandatory that we report cases where neglect/abuse is involved, or a threat of harm to self or others is perceived.
  10.  To know that our organization maintains liability insurance
  11.  Review your case record, to request corrections or to submit rebuttal data, according to established procedures.
  12.  To discuss grievances regarding your service, or terminate service at any time.
  13.  To comment on agency services and make suggestions about how they could be improved.
  14.  To be responsible for prompt payment of all fees for services rendered.
  15.  To ask questions of the staff about anything they do not understand concerning the services provided.
  16.  To provide complete and accurate information concerning your present health, medication, allergies, etc.
  17.  To inform staff of your health history, including past hospitalization, illness and injury. 
  18.  To involve yourself and/or your caregiver, as needed and as able, in developing, carrying out and modifying their service plan. 
  19.  To review the agency’s information on maintaining a safe and accessible home environment in your residence.
  20.  To respect the rights of all organization personnel and cooperate with them, regardless of race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.
  21.  To request additional assistance or information on any phase of their service plan they do not fully understand.
  22.  To inform the staff when a health condition or medication change has occurred.
  23.  To inform the staff of any changes made to Advance Directives.
  24.  To notify the agency when they will not be home for a scheduled visit. There is a cancellation fee if agency is not gen 24 hours notice, except in the case of an emergency.
  25.  To notify the agency prior to changing your place of residence or telephone number.
  26.  Be informed of your state’s home health aide agency in order to obtain information about home care agencies, to lodge complaints or to report abuse, neglect or exploitation, as applicable:

State of New Jersey
Department of Law and Public Safety
Division of Consumer Affairs
New Jersey Board of Nursing
124 Halsey St., 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45010
Newark, NJ 07101