Quality for Aging Adults

Home Care in Turnersville NJ: What Does Quality of Life Mean for Your Aging Adult?

When you’re discussing quality of life issues with your aging adult, it helps if you’re both on the same page about what that means.

Having Strong Social Support

Social support is incredibly important for your aging adult. As her primary caregiver, you’re part of her support system, but it’s also made up of other family members, friends, and resources that can help her. Isolation can lead to depression, anxiety, and other health issues that take a massive toll on your elderly family member.

Having the Ability to Maintain Health

Even with chronic health issues, having a stable health situation is a hallmark of good quality of life for your aging adult. When her health is out of control or worsening steadily, she is likely to feel as if the overall quality of her life is suffering, and rightly so. This is part of why regular health checkups and maintaining overall health is so important.

Exercising and Eating Right

What your senior puts into her body is the fuel on which it runs. So that’s why it’s vital that your elderly family member is eating foods that are nutrient-rich and supporting her needs adequately. The right amount of exercise is also important because it helps her to maintain muscle mass and retain her mobility. Talk with your senior’s doctor about what amount of exercise is right for her and how she should go about exercising safely.

Sleeping Well

When your elderly family member sleeps, her body is recharging itself and helping her to recuperate from the stress of each day. Some aging adults have difficulty sleeping well and might suffer from insomnia or other sleep issues. Talk with your elderly family member’s doctor about what might be causing sleep problems and how you can correct them.

Controlled Dependence on Others

Some seniors find it increasingly important to be able to maintain some level of independence. This might mean that at first your senior rejects your help. It may take her some time to understand that relying on you and on home care providers can actually help to improve her quality of life. She’ll be able to have the energy she needs and wants to focus on other areas of her life when she allows others to help her.

Your senior might have varying ideas about what quality of life means for her. You might want to sit down with your elderly family member and talk with her about your ideas around quality of life and see how they match up with hers. From there you can make plans that help to ensure that you’re meeting her needs in this important area of her life.

For senior care in Turnersville, NJ, and the surrounding areas, call and talk to us at Home to Stay Healthcare Solutions (856) 321-1500.